Basic Engraving Spring 2017

Student Engraving

Tira Mitchell introduces students to hand engraving with EnSet Hand Engraving, Stone Setting and Finishing tools.  Learn to shape and sharpen your tools for working with gold, silver or steel.

Experience working with modern tools and a microscope to shorten your learning curve and improve the quality of your work.

Follow-up with the instructor after the course to make sure fundamental techniques stick with you!

Meet the other students and make bench adjustments to ensure each student is comfortable and tools are ergonomically located.
Using a pre-sharpened graver, try the tools for the first time to get a feel for engraving
Tira discusses how to make tools for different cuts and different materials, shows students how to make those tools, and students make their own gravers
Tira teaches fundamentals for cutting lines, curves, and specialized cuts to manipulate light and achieve different effects in different metals
Students learn how to apply patterns to different surfaces and how to effectively cut those patterns
Tira introduces students to the basics of lettering, traditional border patterns, scroll design and other patterns based on student desires.
Tira Mitchell
Tira started engraving in 1994 working on Motorcycles in Fairfield, California. Inspired by Master Engravers through the Firearm Engravers Guild of America, Tira expanded her work to firearms, musical instruments, knives, jewelry and a host of unique projects.  She has lived in Bucks County, Pennsylvania since 1999. In 2008, Tira began teaching others to hand...
Basic Engraving Spring 17
Go To For Registration

Includes $500 Registration and $100 Bench Fee

We assume you are brand new to engraving and pneumatic machines. Any kind of tool experience helps, but this is the place if you are starting from scratch. We interview students in advance of the class to try to group people so they have roughly comparable experience, and we structure classes so people who catch on quicker can move faster.
This class uses flat practice plates to get people started. Depending on how quickly students progress, we might try a ring, but no promises.
There are many shared concepts between hand-push engraving and using tools like the EnSet to engrave, but the focus on this class is engraving with the EnSet. It is pretty easy to take what you learn from this class and apply it to other power-assisted tools, although we believe it is easiest to learn to engraving using the EnSet.
  • Student Engraving
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